in a bit we are on our way to tlaxcala . the smallest state in mexico. it is where they still make PULQUE - a drink that is the original and real mexican national drink since it was made by the indians who ferment the juices of the maguey cactus. what our guide told us is that the distillation process, which is used for tequila, came over with the europeans, so pulque is considered the real national product. some people like the taste and some don't. i will be able to describe it later today !
well , it is now night and i can tell u about pulque - the smell actually turned my stomach, so i couldnt even taste it but les dis
here is before:
and this is during: so far, so good .......
then, they brought another one which had fruits mixed in and you know what ?? we each drank 2 or 3 glasses. it tasted like punch - which of course is the danger ... you get slowly more and more drunk til you get numb all over !!
but i wil never choose pulque over a good wne or beer or cider !!!!!
we also went to some pyramids today that were unbelievable since they have the original color paintings right at the pyramid. these are aztec pyramids (near mexico city it is all aztec) with a touvh of mayan influence ..
just gorgeous !!
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